Kakadu Animal Tracks

Location: Cooinda, Kakadu National Park, Australia,

The Real Taste of Kakadu! Animal Tracks offer exclusive, authentic cultural day safaris from June to Sept that combine wildlife viewing with extensive natural and cultural interpretation culminating in a campfire cookup at sunset. A real bush aboriginal guide joins every tour and guides us through the bush with hands-on experiences, bush tucker collecting, cooking and tasting, along with learning about medicines, stories and ancient wisdoms. A unique experience second to none.



Join the tour the Top End is talking about!

From June to September, Kakadu Animal Tracks Safaris depart at 1pm daily from Cooinda Lodge, Kakadu National Park, in our open-sided specialised 4wd safari vehicle in small groups. We drive a short distance to the Kakadu Buffalo Farm Reserve, a wildlife rich area of 150 km. sq. that only this Kakadu tour is permitted to visit. As we safari, we search for wildlife, learn about bush foods, aboriginal uses for plants and animals, plants for making baskets, mats and shelters. It is possible to view many wildlife species on this safari with the highlight being an amazing wetland called Gindjala (Goose Camp) where from roughly July to September you may watch the largest bird gathering in the Top End at that time. At sunset, we make a camp fire at a remote location/wildlife viewing point and enjoy hot billy tea and fresh damper and relax to an amazing Kakadu sunset watching birds and animals on the move.

Cancellation Policy

Client will incur 100% fee if cancellation is within 24 hours of tour date.



Cooinda Lodge is located 50kms south of Jabiru, Kakadu, NT (approximately 3.5hrs drive east of Darwin).

Cancellation Policy

Client will incur 100% fee if cancellation is within 24 hours of tour date.

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