Imparja Television

Location: Centre Point Building Smith Street Mall, Darwin NT 0800,
Phone: 08 8941 6124
Mobile: 0411 867 597

Territory Owned and Operated.
Your advertising investment on Imparja will stay in the Territory economy.


Imparja Television offers a unique and diverse audience that is relevant to Top End Tourism. We have one of the largest broadcast footprints in the world and cover 6 Australian states and territories.
We provide access to in excess of 700,000 potential customers in a cost efficient manner that provides you as a tourism operator the opportunity to showcase your business in the best possible way.
We understand our audience and the key motivators and our experienced staff will gladly provide you with audience and industry insights in order to help you maximise the effectiveness of your campaign.
Take the time to make an enquiry its only the cost of phone call, but could make the difference between and average and a great season.

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