Community Health

Location: Ground Floor, Government Centre, First Street, Katherine, NT,
Phone: 08 8973 8570
Fax: 08 8973 8775


Location and Contacts

Government Centre, First Street, Katherine NT 0852


Ground Floor: Clinic: 08 8973 8570
By appointments only

Treatment Room Services

Monday to Friday 8am to 4:30pm by appointment

Immunisation Clinics (by appointment)

Tuesday 1pm to 3:30pm - 15 years and adults
Thursday 8:30am to 11:30am - 0 to 3 years old
Thursday 1pm to 3:30pm - 4 years old.

Infant Health Clinics

Monday Tindal Infant Health
Tuesday Government Centre Infant Health
Wednesday Government Centre assessment by appointment
Thursday Government Centre Infant Health
Friday Government Centre assessment by appointment

Maternal Health

Antenatal and postnatal care Follow up maternal health Home visits on hospital discharge Follow up at Infant Health Clinic

Nutrition Outpatient Clinic

By appointment only.

Enuresis Program for Children

(Bed wetting program)
By appointment only

School Medical Screening

Routine screening of children in transition for hearing, sight and colour vision & general developmental assessment

Domicilliary Nursing

Care and support for the terminally ill, handicapped, frail and aged.

A variety of nursing duties are carried out in the home on referral from General Practitioner, hospital, community services or from the client.

NT Hearing Services

Hearing testing babies children and adults. Professional advice and support Hearing conservation program

Oral Health (Dental Clinic)

General dental services are available for Health Care/Pension Card holders and High School students. An orthodontist visits the centre every six weeks.

Pre and Primary School children receive treatment at school clinics. Parental consent is required before treatment can be carried out. A rural Dental Service is available.

Ph: 8973 8573

Alcohol and other Drugs Program:
Phone (08) 8973 8478

Alcohol and Other Drug Program

The Alcohol & Other Drug Program develops and coordinates strategies to address the harm associated with substance abuse in the Northern Territory. It deals with a range of health and other issues associated with both legal and illicit substances. Alcohol, tobacco, petrol, prescription drug misuse and kava are of particular concern in the Territory.

In the Katherine region the focus is on the following:

Community Education
Offers a range of education and training services in the Katherine region.
Community education sessions - school, council, women's centre, health staff and the general public.

Community Development and Capacity Building
Assist communities in developing and implementing Drug and Alcohol projects
Development of culturally appropriate resources.
Work with other agencies to develop diversionary activities.

Training and Professional Development

Offers accredited training in Certificated II, III, & IV Community Services Alcohol and other Drugs Work.

Health Promotion Unit

Health promotion is a key strategy that can be actioned across all program areas. Health Promotion units work to strengthen understanding and practice of contemporary public health, particularly health promotion, disease prevention and early intervention activities.

The HPU have a particular focus on the following three areas
Policy development, research, evaluation and development of resources.
The planning and implementing of health promotion activities in remote communities and facilitating and supporting community initiatives in health promotion and assist with community based resource development.
Accredited and non-accredited training in Health Promotion Principles and Practice.

Women's Health Educator

The Women's Health Educator based in Katherine supports health professionals in urban and remote areas in delivering a broad range of women's health services including:
women's health education in the community
working together with other agencies involved in women's health
providing women's health education for health professionals
working in partnership with women in the community to improve women's health

Health Promoting School Nurse

Providing holistic health care to the school community through management of clinical and health promotion services within the high school and the feeder primary schools. Based at the Katherine High School. For further information please phone (08) 8973 8204.

Nutrition Services

The Department of Health and Community Services employs a nutritionist / dietitian who is based in Katherine. The aim of the program is to provide services to some remote communities located in the Katherine District and the Katherine Urban Community.

The key areas of work include:
Providing support and nutrition training to community based workers Providing nutrition advice to Maternal and Child Health and Preventable Chronic Disease Programs
Monitoring and advocating for improvements to the food supply in remote areas
Providing education to community members in food and nutrition

The DHCS Nutritionist/Dietitian also provides a clinical service to the Katherine District Hospital and the Katherine Urban community

For further information please phone 8973 8946.

District Liaison

On behalf of the Services Development Division, the District Liaison Officer negotiates, monitors and maintains Service Level Agreements with Non-Government Organisations in the Katherine Region.

For further information phone (08) 8973 8989 or fax (08) 8973 8592.

Family and Children's Services - phone 8973 8600

FACS is the Department of Health and Community Services child protection agency servicing the Katherine urban and rural regions.

The role of FACS is to:
receive and investigate notifications of child maltreatment.
assess children who for other reasons may be in need of alternate care
provide family support services and a referral service to families under stress where children may be at risk.
provide short term/respite care for children when family are unable to care for them.
operate the Pensioner Concession Scheme

Notification of suspected child maltreatment is mandatory in the NT. Phone 8973 8600 to contact FACS at any time to discuss concerns.

Katherine Mental Health - phone 8973 8724

Our aim is to provide assessment, treatment and case management to individuals living with a severe mental illness, to promote mental health in Katherine and the communities of the Katherine region, and provide on-going education and support to carers, other agencies, and the community as a whole.

Katherine Mental Health is staffed Monday to Friday 0800 hrs - 1630 hrs by Registered Psychiatric Nurses and an Aboriginal Mental Health Worker. Clients of the service have access to review by the visiting psychiatrist as required, and to the services of a visiting psychologist. The office is located on the Ground Floor of the Government Centre, adjacent to the Eastern entrance.

Referrals are taken by phone/in writing/in person, from any source, hospital, GP's, family , friends, or individuals may self refer.

Phone 8973 8724 Fax 8973 8561

Contact us

General Manager
DHCS Katherine District
PMB 73
Northern Territory 0852

Phone: (08) 8973 9211
Fax: (08) 8973 9039

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