Katherine Derby Dolls

Location: Stuart Highway, Katherine NT 850 Australia
Phone: (08) 8972 2592

Established in late 2011, Katherine Derby Dolls has slowly but surely grown from a handful of ladies that hadn’t been on quad skates in years, to a bout-worthy bunch in a matter of months.


The Katherine Derby Dolls are a small roller derby league in town and we train 3 times a week - Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the roller rink at the YMCA and the only skating rink in the Northern Territory!

We accept anyone who has an interest in skating or roller derby and no experience or gear is required - we provide all gear and training and the first 3 sessions are free
($5 per session thereafter). We're a female based derby league but men can also come and learn to skate with us. Minimum age 16 for skaters, there is a grade system so we teach the basics of skating first and once a skater has passed and is competent we continue to derby skills.

Training schedule:

Monday 5:15-7:15pm - Fresh Meat (beginners)
Wednesday 5:15-7:15pm - Fitness on skates (beginners welcome)
Friday 5-7pm - Scrimmage (roller derby specific drills & rules, beginners still welcome).

Weather you are interested in learning how to play roller derby, are keen to volunteer your services for coaching or refereeing on or off skates, or are merely curious about learning how to skate, we would love to hear from you.

Better still, come on down to a training session to meet the team!

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